Bermuda Triangle My Memory Reminds Me Of!


Everything has limitations including memory and attention.

Today, I was traveling in a public transport bus. Meanwhile I was also watching a lecture from Yale University.

After an hour , I could remember only 20 plus words from that particular discourse.

How is this possible?

I did have 100% attention and focus!

It could be that after a long time of learning and teaching I could not process the information uttered in that particular lecture.

Message is simple: our brain is like a Bermuda Triangle after a certain time.

I frequently scold my students when they can't respond to me about their homework.

Now I'm quite sure that they too face similar issues.

But age also matters.

There are so many contradictions.

No new conclusion can be drawn from this single instance.

It means I need to work more on this.

That too for a longer time.

Not possible in such a dog-eat-dog competition!

I'm certain our next generation needs an inbuilt natural ready retrievable memory to process the things.

Mukesh Sir
