COP-27 Begins: We Must Change The Way We Live To Address The Climate Crisis. It Is Not The End Of All Summits That Were Unsuccessful!
Nature is silently watching human beings that are busy day and night to disturb the Earth and beyond unprecedented in human history. Pandemic was just a test for the human beings to shun themselves from the anti-climate living standards. But these so-called civilised bipedals have a strong disregard for the nature at every cost.
This is the first when our environment is being filled with a number of gases by emissions.
COP-27 is at the door and ready to redefine our priorities. But only a few genuine intellectual caretakers can perceive the consequences that are lurking around like zombies.
Catastrophic eventualities will frequent all continents in near future.
Governments all over the world are very anxious and worried. But alongside they are involved and engaged in consumption, exploitation, competition, and explosions of various kinds.
I'm amused at the global leaders who are very much weak and naive to stop all dastardly actions of human beings.
Just wait and watch how Nature can guide and mentor us considering our fateful disloyalty and ungratefulness!
Indologist and Scholar
Kumar Mukesh
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