Eureka: Pre-Op Famale Cabin, Farcical Signages!

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.” William Shakespeare 

But the case here is totally different, worthy of keen observation.

Signages are really directional and have their intended tasks. Today's world is full of advertisements and messages written on various walls and places.

Distributors and sellers always are in a quest to attract and turn the audiences into hot customers. Today, I was amazed to see a message on the wall in the Medical College ward: it's written- PRE-OP FEMALE CABIN.

It seemed a betrayal, for literates only. Because almost all age group patients are lying in this 6 bed cabin. One child, one old woman, one adult woman, one boy, and an old man.

So what is the use of the formality of the message displayed over there?

However there are varied examples of hazy and misdirected messages that can land anyone in wonderland!

Weird things happen frequently here!
No one can raise any finger. Mind my words. Any finger or toe!

Publicly funded enterprises are run in this way and no management seems to take care of such blunders. 

Kumar Mukesh
Blogger and Scholar
