Odisha train crash: Where do the responsibility and accountability lie?

Over 270 men, women and children have died as a result of a tri-train collision near Balasore in Odisha. As often happens after such tragedies, officials from the Railways and political leaders descended on the scene of the devastation and expressed shock, and spoke of sharing the grief. Commissions of enquiry and compensation to the families of the deceased were announced; treatment and relief to the injured were assured. But the people rightly expect much more than this. They have the right to demand safe travel from the government. 

"But under the Modi government, that right has become difficult to guarantee."

Opposition and rivals never talk about positive changes done under this government. Though I don't support this government blindly. But logic has its own solid base.

This article has been published in the Indian Express by an MP from CPI.

Now let me put this news into perspective. The railway has been slightly expanded compared to our rival neighbour, China.

We are lagging behind in expansion, safety, and security. Modern technologies are being employed. We carry around 15 million passengers daily.

But we can't blame the government of the day directly for every accident. The officials on duty are responsible for every commission and omission.

Lives lost have a tragic effect on the families and relatives. We can't deny this and forget this ever.

We will have to achieve tremendous security in railway transport complying with international codes of operations.

Let the concerned ministry do its job promptly and honestly and such tragedies never occur in future, else the world will see us in contempt for human loss in modern times. 

Kumar Mukesh
Blogger and Scholar
